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Alberta Oil and Gas Exploration Opportunities

Bounty Oil and Gas.


Since 1974 Bounty has used its strong geological and geophysical focus to find and extend new oil and gas pools throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan. Some of its notable pool extensions in the history of the company are listed below.


As more properties are acquired, and projects move forward to exploitation, we continue to look for new joint venture partners and investors.



Current Offerings


Contact Paul Clark, Manager, Land and Business Development, for current offerings.



Bounty Development, Geophysical, Alberta, Resource Play, Oil and Gas Pools

Major Oil and Gas Pool Extensions (Historical)

BDL Discovered Pools Oil and Gas Exploration Opportunities

1. Evi
Devonian Granite Wash, Gilwood and Slave Point oil


2. Simonette
Devonian Leduc oil & gas


3. Meekwap
Devonian Nisku oil


4. Mitsue
Devonian Gilwood oil


5. Sunchild
Mississippian Elkton/Shunda gas


6. Sylvan Lake
Mississippian Pekisko oil and gas


7. Joffre
Devonian Nisku oil


8. Bellshill Lake
Cretaceous Ellerslie oil


9. Drumheller
Devonian Nisku oil


10. Hussar
Cretaceous Belly River & Viking gas


11. Enchant
Cretaceous Bow Island & Mannville gas

For more details and to arrange a technical presentation, call Paul Clark, CEO and Land Manager, at 403-718-7427 or

Bounty Develoment, Light Resource Play

© 2024 Bounty Developments Ltd.

Emergencies and After Hours: 403-264-4994


1250, 340 - 12th. Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 1L5

Tel: 403-264-4994

Fax: 403-266-6031

Featured on:

Oil Sands Magazine Feature Publication
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